Five Reason Why You Should Break Up With Him

Courage and relationships aren’t associated with each other as much as they really should be… Actually, on second thought, people sometimes do associate them, but they do it completely the wrong way. We all have seen at least a million lame romantic comedies that emphasizes how great your life can be if you’re willing to … Read more

How To Take Care Of Yourself On Your Period


Only ladies will understand the tips on how to take care of yourself on your period for obvious reasons, they go through the whole nasty messy, expensive, painful slow-motion nightmare! Sure, periods are cool. But on another, much more realistic level, periods are gross, terrible, and just a horrible pain in the uterus.. The feeling … Read more

Beautiful Things To Say To Your Girlfriend At Night

Beautiful Things To Say To Your Girlfriend At Night

There is something about the night that just brings romance alive. Maybe it’s because at night you are relaxed and there are not many disturbances. Or maybe it’s because at night you have nothing else going on but dinner and the anticipation of sleep. Whatever it is, it is known worldwide that at night is … Read more

4 Healthy Ways To Change Your Lifestyle

4 Healthy Ways To Change Your Lifestyle

Changing lifestyle does not mean to stay poor, or rather in the tradition. It means getting everything in order as it pertains the normal way of living. Lifestyle has been the talk of the show, sensitization and the way of living. It is the way one persieve to live and more the surrounding. It is … Read more

Six Amazing Self Motivation Techniques

Six Amazing Self Motivation Techniques

You can never make someone do something they do not want to do. They cannot want do anything unless they are motivated to. The only want to do that is to be self motivated. Here are a couple of ways you can motivate yourself each day.. It starts in the mind. Think positive No matter … Read more