Proven Tips to Use the Hibiscus for Your Hair Growth: Don’t Miss

Growing hair is one of the biggest causes of concern amongst a lot of women. It is common to start with an effective treatment and keep it wear away with the time. If you can relate to this, you will be very happy to know that there are some measures you can easily take to restore the luster of your hair and its volume.

Proven Tips to Use the Hibiscus for Your Hair Growth

Hibiscus is one of the most popular herbals that are used for the hair growth. It has earned the popularity because of its capability to stimulate the hair growth even from the dormant hair vesicles in bald mends. This flower is an effective remedy to put a full stop to the hair fall, it encourage the regrowth, and can prevent the premature graying as well. But, how accurately does it do this kind of stuff? Keep on reading to find out!

  1. Hibiscus Infused Hair Oil

You will need 8 of the hibiscus flowers, 8 of the hibiscus leaves and 1 cup of the coconut oil.

Wash the flowers and the leaves. Then pound those into a fine paste. Heat 1 cup of the coconut oil in a saucepan. Then add the hibiscus paste in to it. Heat it for a few minutes. Then cover the saucepan with lid and turn off the heat. Then set the saucepan beside for the oil to get cool. Once the oil has cooled down, take 2 or 3 tablespoons of it to use and store the rest of it in a jar or in a bottle. Then start by massaging the cool oil into your scalp. Use your fingertips for that. Then work it down to your hair tips. Once all the hair is covered, then massage your scalp for 10 minutes. Then leave the oil in to your hair for 30 minutes. Then wash it out with an airy shampoo. Do this for thrice in a week.

  1. Hibiscus and Yogurt

You will need 1 of the hibiscus flower, 3 or 4 of the hibiscus leaves and 4 tablespoons of the yogurt.

Pound the hibiscus flower with its leaves into a fine paste. Then until you get a smooth firmness, mix it with the yogurt. Then apply this hair mask in to your scalp and the hair and then, leave it there for an hour. Then wash the hair mask out with the lukewarm water and the shampoo. Do this for once or twice in a week.

  1. Hibiscus and Fenugreek

You will need a pack of the hibiscus leaves, 1 tablespoon of the fenugreek seeds and 1/4 cup of the buttermilk.

Absorb the fenugreek seeds in the water overnight. Grind the seeds and the leaves into a fine paste in the morning. Then mix the paste with buttermilk. Then apply it into the scalp and the hair. Then leave it for 1 hour. Finally wash it with an airy shampoo. Do this for once in a week.

  1. Hibiscus and Henna

You will need a clutch of the hibiscus flowers, a clutch of the hibiscus leaves, a clutch of the henna leaves and 1 or 2 lemon.

Pound the henna leaves and the hibiscus flowers and its leaves. Then add the juice of half a lemon to the mixture. Then mix this mixture well and then apply it to the scalp and the hair. Then leave it for 1 hour. Finally wash it with an airy shampoo. Do this for once in 2 weeks.

  1. Hibiscus and Bureaucracy

You will need 3 tablespoons of the crushed hibiscus flowers and the leaves and 3 tablespoons of the bureaucracy powder.

Mix all the ingredients and form a paste. You can add some water also to get a smooth firmness. Then apply the mixture to the scalp and the hair. When all of the hair is covered, you can leave it for 40 minutes. Finally wash it out with an airy shampoo. Do this for twice in a week.