3 Ways to Make Your Face Look Slimmer Without Contouring

Gained some weight? Want to make your look appear slimmer? Making your face look slimmer is very easy process and you can have it without contouring. Perfect make up and haircut can create a illusion to make your face appear thinner and we have showed you 3 ways to get the illusion..

3 Ways to Make Your Face Look Slimmer Without Contouring



Blush can play a huge part to slim down the face and making those extra pounds seem to magically vanish. Apply blush a little bit up on the cheek than you usually do to elongate the cheekbones, and draw attention upward. Try to apply a tiny bit to the temples, nose and forehead to make dimension and mask any puffy or swollen areas. Try using your finger to apply some cream blush to your cheeks, and then blend it in with a blush or powder brush. If you have round face, a pressed matte powder that’s one shade darker than your skin could be your best companion. Lightly shade the jawbone, sides of the nose and temples with only a hint of product. You may consider applying a translucent shimmer powder or cream with fingertips along your cheekbones and collarbone.


If you know the process of applying eyeliner it can give you the illusion of having a thinner face. It will pull the attention upward, lending a more slender effect if your eyeliner is angled higher than usual. Do not follow the natural shape of the eye for the process. Extend the line from the highest point of the eye shape toward the ear. Try creating a flat-looking line that runs parallel to the face instead of downward. Extend this line further into a more winged shape without any hesitation for extra flirt! Apply a neutral shimmer to the inner corners of your eyes to make your eyes bigger because popping eyes can help you look slimmer.


You already have known all these makeup technique and can appreciate the art of well-placed highlighter.  Choose a high-shine version of your typical makeup look and place. Despite of the entire process hairdo can play a vital role on the process. Color your hair darker around your face and always try to wear long jewelries and rectangular shapes.