How to use Yogurt for Hair Growth | Best Hair Growth Tips

When you will face hair fall problem and will want to grow your hair more properly then what will you do? You will try to find a good way for this which will be a good and safe way for you. Not it? And we know that it is difficult to find a way good and safe strategy at the same time? and if you are worried about it that, how you will find such a way for this. Then I will say that; get relax where we are with you. We will show you the best way for this. While keeping your hair healthy is an important and hard task, focusing on growing your hair can be harder too. It needs a lot of care, energy and effort to keep the hair growing. There are always products to speed up the process. Yogurt is a common ingredient for hair people are using for hair growth. The vitamins and fatty acids are essential for health. You have to know the right process of using yogurt to get the perfect result..

Benefits of Yogurt for Hair Growth

Let’s introduce with some beneficiary sides of this product. Yogurt will greatly helps you to get rid of dandruff with its anti-fungal properties that soothe the scalp. It also helps to sooth frizz retaining the moisture. Controls hair fall by improving scalp health and Balances the pH levels of your scalp by regulating sebum production

Banana and Yogurt-

To go with this process, You Will Need½ a Ripe Banana, 1 tbsp Yogurt, 3 tsp Honey, 1 tsp Lemon Juice and 30 minutes processing time.


Mash the banana in a bowl until there are no lumps. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix until you get a smooth paste. Apply the mixture to your hair from the roots to top. Wear a hair mask and keep it for half an hour. You can repeat this process two times in a week.

This mask is extremely hydrating, nutritious and it also contains scalp cleansing properties to keep your scalp and hair healthy. Well, I hope you have learned the process completely. So, if you want to get accurate result from this process, then follow the instruction of this process very carefully.

Yogurt and Olive Oil

Here we are presenting you another exclusive way. For this process, You will need 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 cup Yogurt, 1 tbsp lemon juice and 2 cups Water.


To go with this process, first of all, you have to mix the oil and yogurt in a bowl and apply the mixture after washing your hair. Then leave the mask for 20 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water and the following step is rinsing with lemon water.

It will wonderfully help you keeps your lovely hair healthy besides avoiding breakage boosting the hair growth. It will also help you to keeps your hair conditioned and more manageable. The lemon balances the PH level and ads shine to your hair. So, if you like this idea, then go with this properly and carefully.

Yogurt and Honey

Now, let’s introduce with another exclusive process. To go with this process, you must need ½ cup Yogurt, 1 tsp Honey, and 1 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar and 30 minutes of processing time.


Mix all the ingredients very well in a bowl to make a perfect smooth paste. Then start applying the paste from the roots and end to the tips of sections very carefully. It is also necessary for your lovely hair to be careful about another important matter. And it is, make sure to cover your whole head with the mixture and wait for 30 minutes. Rinse it out with a mild shampoo. You can repeat the process twice in a week.

The most attractive side of this process is, this yogurt mask nicely controls your oil production in your scalp. If you want, you can add banana to this mask if you have dry hair and strawberry for greasy hair. So, you may try this process at least for one time.

Aloe Vera and Yogurt

Here we are presenting you another exclusive way. For this process, you will need 3 tbsp Pure Aloe Vera Gel, 2 tbsp Yogurt, and 2 tbsp Olive Oil, 1 tbsp Honey and 45 minutes of Processing Time.


Mix the ingredients in a bowl until you get a perfect smooth paste. Apply the paste into your scalp by massaging for 15 minutes. Cover the entire head with the mask and leave it for 30 minutes more. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

Aloe Vera is enriched with high amino acids and protein. It is also antimicrobial which helps to keep your scalp healthy. After getting idea about this, you have understood very well that, this is a lengthy process. Though this is a highly effective, but if you are a busy person, think carefully before going with this process whether you will be able to manage time for this in your busy life.