8 Attractive Summer Beauty Tips You Should Add to Your Bag of Tricks

Beauty tips are always different for the different weathers, and we are here to offer you some most attractive summer beauty tips to increase the beauty of you in this summer.


We all know the bad effects of UV lights of sun shine, and it increases very high in the summer. Choose the right product for your skin type. Sunscreens don’t last longer so don’t think that it will save you all day long. It goes off very faster in water and the highest time is 80 minutes for the best brand. Apply generously and don’t forget to reach the spots like your ears, behind your knees, the tops of your feet, etc.

Skin care product:

Always try to use non-comedogenic products and choose a perfect sunscreen because it could be allergic and a matter of moisture. Non-comedogenic beauty products are designed to resist irritation and blemishes. So get the oil free or non-comedogenic products for better experience.

Exfoliate at the right times:

When your dead skin cells flake off, the old tan will come off with it, but gentle facial exfoliation will help keep your skin free of clogged pores and create a better shade for makeup application. Reserve your exfoliating habits for days when you aren’t heading straight from the shower to the pool.

Face Makeup:

Change your makeup shade as your skin gets that pretty, sun-kissed glow, you may need a different shade of foundation and concealer to make the change between the summer and winter makeup. Don’t forget the primer and this is an important summer beauty tip because the oils of your skin are known to separate the pigments in the foundation.

Eye Makeup:

Use cream eye-shadow as it is more water-resistant and long-wearing than their powdery sisters who make it more suitable for the summer. Powder shadows can travel along with the sweats and oil of your face, and I bet you won’t like it at all.

Summer lip:

Lips increase the beauty of your face, and it always makes an attraction so, when you are styling your lips for the summer pick a stain because stains are the way not to feel heavy on your lips and it won’t roll off with sweat.


You can get beachy or go short in this summer, but long hair is not a big problem if you maintain them in a perfect way. If you have got naturally straight hair or wavy hair, twisting your hair into a bun while it dries will get you the do. Wash your hair after swimming and always take protection from UV light and use a scarf. Keep your hair wet before entering into the sea or swimming pool cause wet hair help to consume less chemical.

Wear less:

As the summer is hot weather so consider this as one of the basic summer beauty tips. Always try to wear less that means short dresses because it handles the heat and allows getting you more air to feel cool.

So here you go, the ultimate summer beauty tips 2017 is ready to keep you cool in the heat of the summer.
