How To Style Curly Hair With Gel : Ways to Style Curly Hair

Admire curly hair? But scare of flat irons and blow drying that can ruin your sleek and shiny hair. Don’t worry! You can learn how to style hair curly with gel! With gels you can go for crispy and hard curls. The gel does make your hair crispy it’s not the end! You can make amazing perfectly defined curls you’re aiming for..

Gel creates casing around your hair that makes your hair to dry into fine ringlets and obviously it feel crispy. But to form curls it is required breaking the crust around the hair and soften it to relief the natural curls underneath.

The second step is followed infrequently because it requires patience. In this article I go through the lead how to style curly hair with gel.

The process: How to style curly hair with gel

For better result use curl cream to sprout your curls. You can do this right after shower when your hair is still soaking wet. Grab a t-shirt and crunch the curls up and squeeze them a bit to remove any excess water.

Then I apply mound of gel, say, size a 20 cent piece, obviously more or depending upon your hair length. Rub the gel between palms and first apply it to the ends of my hair, through scrunching lightly up into your curls.

It would be better to smooth the gel down hair with open palms. PLEASE! Don’t rake your fingers down your hair when applying gel (I believe you CAN!), use more of an open palm to smooth the gel over your curls. Then wait. You require your hair to be completely dry for the next step.

Don’t have time to wait? You can speed up the drying process by using a diffuser or let your hair air dry. Once your hair is dried up completely, you can scrunch out! Now is the best time to release your curls from their crisp coating.

Use your hand to scrunch out your curls and you’ll find the gel softened, allowing the gel cast to break and the softer hair begins to show up. Its time you can use your diffuser again with medium heat and low speed to warm up your hair up a bit. If you do so, you will feel the effect of releasing curls out of the gel crust. Another thing you can do is to use a soft t-shirt to scrunch your hair and release the gel.

At last, you can flip my hair over and put fingers right through to the scalp and give hair a little bit of a quake. This helps to lift up and releases hair at the root provides hair a little bit more volume and releasing that gel cast soon.

Recap: Important tips

Apply gel as last styling product on wet hair. Never rake the gel through your hair, always apply it to the surface of your curls with an open palm and scrunch up lightly. Patient ripe the fruit! Allow your hair to dry up fully. Be patient! Scrunch out the crust to remove the gel. Use your hands, a soft t-shirt or diffuser, whatever you find useful to break that gel coating and sprout your curls like plants! Try using alcohol-free with a high hold without stickiness. I hope you have found what you are looking for! Follow these steps and style hair curly with gel. Sweet and simple! Isn’t it? Follow us for more hairstyling tips and tricks!

How To Style Curly Hair With Gel : Ways to Style Curly Hair


Wanna Style Your Curly Hair With Gel?