How to Repair Damaged Hair Fast At Home : Simple Method

Hair at times can have a strange way of dragging down a girl’s self-esteem. The first thing people notice when looking at others are their faces, and due to our hair’s close proximity, the very next thing they may end up seeing is its damage. Thankfully, there are ways you can help your hair out and improve the health that doesn’t involve hiding it. In regards to how to repair damaged hair, it may feel like there’s no hope and that the only option is to cut it, but before getting to that level of desperation and resorting to just chop it off there are a few things you can try that can shake off any feelings of embarrassment you may have. With enough work, you can save and transform your hair into something you’re proud of and that you actually want the world to see..

How to Repair Damaged Hair Fast At Home : Simple Method


There’s a reason that there are so many hydrating products out there… Because dry hair is the foundation of all hair damage. It’s lack of moisture is what allows breakage, split ends, and frizzy appearances. Using shampoos free of sulfates will help from leaching out too much moisture and frequent deep conditioning treatments will help replenish hair with the moisture that it needs to be healthy. Leave-in conditioners used at the ends of hair will provide additional hydration and protect your hair by minimizing the amount of moisture that is lost in between conditioning and during your day-to-day activities.

Au Naturale 

Natural oils from the scalp help repair damaged hair by hydrating and supporting growth. Washing hair less frequently helps keeps from depleting your scalp of its protective oils and shampooing, no more than two times a week is ideal. Many may scrunch up their noses to this prospect and will assume that their hair will just look greasy in between washings. While this is true for the first few weeks, once your scalp acclimates to the change oil production will slow down and your scalp will stop trying to overcompensate from the effects of frequent shampooing, meaning your hair can go longer amounts of time without appearing greasy. Also dry shampoo can easily eliminate excess oil (HINT: corn starch from the baking aisle in grocery stores is the much cheaper, lasts longer and is the exact same thing as the bottled brands) by soaking up the oil and then being brushed out with a natural bristle brush. Investing in a natural bristle brush can also help hair by distributing those essential oils down to the tips of your hair and keep it from concentrating on the roots.

The Growth Factor And Scalp

Encouraging new growth admittedly isn’t going to repair the damage already done, but it will help get you to a point where you can cut it off as well as help prevent the damage from progressing all the way up to your roots. Sadly, science has proven that there’s no actual way to speed up hair growth despite the bogus claims of products and regimens, and any doctor will vouch for that and tell you it’s impossible. But there are still benefits in scalp treatments due to the fact that they help hair grow stronger, such as massage therapy in the morning and evenings. Gently massaging the scalp with your fingertips for five to ten minutes daily stimulates the scalp and its blood flow making for stronger hair growth. Prenatal vitamins also provide beneficial nutrients to hair and nails and reinforces their strength.

Hair Rehab

One of the best ways how to repair damaged hair is by limiting the activities that caused the damage in the first place. Blowing drying, heating, chemicals and even brushing takes a significant toll on the hair and you should restrict your usage of these things and allow time for your hair to heal. Try using hairstyles that require less maintenance and less fuss throughout the day like braids and updos or even scarves. This brings us back to the benefits of washing less if you’re the type that colors your hair in any way since washing less will help keep your color from fading as quickly and reduce how quickly you need to do touch ups.

The Trim Debate

The recommended “trimming every six weeks” and its role in how to repair damaged hair is debated by stylists. Some will say it’s counterproductive due to the length that is lost, which certainly holds true for those whose hair grows very slowly. These stylists typically believe that damage can be controlled with the right amount of care while allowing you to acquire length. But on the other hand, many stylists will say that it helps repair hair since you’re cutting off damage before it moves up the hair shaft and spreads, which is equally true. Trims are always necessary for hair’s health and its appearance, but it’s going to be on you to determine how frequently you need them.

learn here How to Repair Damaged Hair and how to recover your damaged hair

Helping you recover

Handle your hair gently- handle your hair with care when you wash and dry it. Hair is a fragile material that you need to handle with care precisely when wet. Wet hair stretches and breaks easily, so it’s important to be gentle when you are washing and toweling hair. You should not roughly scrub it or rub it with a towel just like the shampoo through the hair. Let your hair air dry naturally and pat with a towel.

Use harsh treatments in moderation- Many popular hair treatments remove the natural oils of your hair and damage the hair shaft. When you are ready to restore the damaged hair it will be very difficult to do unless you stop all the damaging treatment to return your hair to its natural state. If you are used to using the treatments make sure your hair want it that way. Here is what to avoid.

If you love to dye your hair try a natural dying method instead of chemical hair dyes to help restore the damage of your hair. Bleaching your hair is never good and stripping out the color does a lot of damage to the shaft that can cause your hair get brittle and break. Chemical straightening or curling like Brazilian blow out that force your hair to straight make a lot of damage.

Avoid restrictive hairstyles- Some hairstyles pull on the hair and make it to fray or break. Hair extensions and waves are particularly bad for the hair. When you are searching how to repair damaged hair fast to restore your hair its best to totally avoid styles that are not suitable on your hair.

Conditioning Your Hair

Condition your hair each time you shampoo and chose the right product that are chemical free. Use the conditioner to keep your hair hydrated, smooth and shiny. focus to make sure you are getting special treatment.

Avoid using more conditioner than you need to coat your hair lightly. If you use too much conditioner it may make your hair greasy. Rinse with cold water to help your hair shaft to lay flat.

Try a homemade hair mask- You can try a homemade milk mask when your hair looks limp or frizzy. A hair mask can recover the damage and restore the texture and shine of your hair.

  • For dull hair use one tsp of honey and one egg white
  • For frizzy hair use a banana blended with avocado
  • For dry hair use one tsp of milk or yogurt

You can use a combination for your hair type.

Use finishing oil or serum- When your hair is dry hair oil or serum let you keep it from frizz protecting it from the elements. Look for the anti-frizz serum or hair oil and use your comb through your hair. If you don’t like to invest on that you can use the following oils.

After your hair is dry, hair oil or serum serves to keep it from frizzing and protect it from the elements. Look for an anti-frizz serum or combination hair oil, and use your fingers to comb just a few drops through your hair. If you don’t want to buy a special serum, use a little of one of the following oils:

  • Argan oil
  • Moroccan oil
  • Jojoba oil
  • Egg oil

Try a boar bristle brush-  Most brushes are damaging to the hair, boar bristle brushes are made to take care of you r hair. They are designed to pull sebum from the roots of your hair to the tips. First use a wide-tooth comb to detangle your hair, and brush your hair from root to tips.


Truth be told, there is no real way to repair damaged hair completely and be free of it except for cutting it off. But luckily, with devoted care and maintenance, you can disguise your damage while preserving what you have until your hair reaches a point that you are comfortable with cutting it. But keep in mind, it is possible for damage to be so extreme that scissors may be your best (and in rare cases your only) option. Luckily, a stylist can assess the damage and help you avoid the need for taking such an extreme measure.

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